Watch Out For Fixtures in

For enterprises that have at least some part of their IT environment in the cloud, the key to protecting data starts with understanding the layers of the cloud stack and their corresponding security risks. Each layer has its own unique threat potential, and when IT teams understand how data transacts at each layer, they can take appropriate measures to safeguard against those threats. One of the most common is ransomware.

Ransomware isn’t necessarily complex. At its core is just malicious code looking for access. Thwarting it requires understanding how to prevent it from penetrating access points. To be effective at this, it’s important to start by addressing each layer of the cloud environment and take the appropriate measures to gird against unauthorized access.

Egnyte Protect focuses on identifying business critical information

Microsoft repositories are some of the most popular and widely deployed solutions in the industry. OneDrive, SharePoint, and Windows File Servers act as the backbone for many organizations’ content management strategies. Today, we are happy to announce that Egnyte Protect is extending its industry-leading content governance capabilities to these ubiquitous platforms.

Egnyte Protect finds and safeguards your most critical content by detecting insider/outsider threats, compliance violations, and mitigating them across the Microsoft ecosystem, including data in Azure.
Visibility into content residing in all your repositories

IT admins have the ability to monitor files containing personal data across multiple data repositories. Whether it’s Egnyte Connect, Windows File Servers, SharePoint, SharePoint Online and/or OneDrive for Business, you have real-time risk assessment and alerts to help you take corrective action before your business is impacted.

  • Out-of-the-Box Classification Policies (GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, etc.)
  • Data Subject Access Request Workflow
  • Breach Reporting Workflow
  • Automated PII Protection
Comprehensive compliance coverage of GDPR

Egnyte Protect is a simple SaaS solution that can be turned on in a matter of minutes, not days or weeks, and that can help you meet your compliance requirements quickly without additional hardware infrastructure or special IT skills.

Limit the exposure of your business data

Egnyte Protect finds and safeguards your most critical content by detecting insider/outsider threats, compliance violations, and mitigating them across the Microsoft ecosystem, including data in Azure.

When it comes to modernizing content infrastructure, some companies simply choose to replace their entire framework with a cloud-based system. However, for many businesses, that’s not always a practical choice: legacy hardware investments must be preserved and interoperability and continuity maintained.

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Explore our unified solution for file sharing, collaboration and data governance.

Egnyte Now Available On Google Cloud Marketplace
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