Local Cloud - Want vs. Need
Since the launch of the Egnyte Local Cloud and some initial hiccups, we are finding that customers "want" to have the local cloud more than the "need" to have it. This reinforces the thought that wanting to have a local copy of some of the files/folders combined with all files being available in the cloud, is what a lot of users feel comfortable with. Analyzing this further, despite the vaunted ubiquity of the internet, customers want "off-line" access.Building on the launch of Local Cloud on direct attached storage (DAS), we are working on releasing the Local Cloud on a corporate shared resource like a NAS device. Hopefully, we will deliver this by the June end timeline.Meanwhile, adding to the increasing usage of Egnyte as a content repository to be shared securely or publicly, we have added more "ad-hoc" sharing capabilities i.e. Public Folders that do not require authentication.