Online File Server Saves Time and Money

How to Save Money, Time and Your Job with an Online File ServerYour team is working on a new product launch on a tight deadline. The team has been working around the clock to prepare for the internal and external launch. In addition to your team, you have outsourced graphic design, copywriting, web design and printing.This project is high visibility and crucial to the company meeting its profit goals. You and your team must coordinate all of the components seamlessly, in a very tight period. All of the team members and vendors need to access and share files but email is proving to be confusing and cumbersome especially since the files are so large. The vendors must transfer large files to a CD and have them delivered via courier or express mail. The costs are quickly adding up and progress is delayed when the team has to wait for delivery of information before moving to the next step.Graphic designers, printers and creative professionals routinely have to share very large files with clients. Email systems have limitations on size, so these professionals must burn the files to a CD and mail or use a courier to deliver their work to clients for review. The additional costs can add up quickly, resulting in higher operating costs and lower profit margins for creative businesses.An online file server can reduce costs and improve the process for creative professionals and distributed work teams. With an online file server, document collaboration is an easy process. Our harried team would no longer have to wait for delivery of CDs, they could log on to a secure local cloud file server and immediately access needed files. With so many team members and changes, it would be easy to mix up versions or have work repeated when a team member has the wrong version of a file. Egnyte’s online file server has automatic version control. There is no need to change file names and older versions are protected. You have a complete audit trail including when a file was changed and by whom. Team members are notified when files are added or existing files changed, eliminating the need for a manual email or phone call.Document collaboration and large file sharing is hassle free when you use a cloud file server. For high visibility projects or geographically distributed teams, an online file server offers a perfect solution.Have you ever had to work with a distributed team or outside vendors? How did you keep track of communication and files?

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