August Release Rollup: PDF Document Comparison, Content Classification Policy Recommendations, Knowledge Base Updates and More

We’re excited to share new updates and enhancements for August, including highlights:

  • PDF Document Comparison
  • Classification Policy Recommendations
  • Knowledge Base Creation Improvements
  • Box as a Cloud Content Source  

For more information on these updates and others, please read our complete list below and follow the links for more detailed articles.  


Search Files in Copilot: Users can now use queries to search for specific files and folders within Knowledge Bases, making it easier to quickly locate the information they need. Learn more.

Enhancements to Knowledge Base Creation: Users can now choose a desired folder for their Knowledge Base and provide key details. The organized layout includes a wizard that guides each step, making the process clearer. Learn more.

Egnyte Copilot – Clear Chat Function: Within a Knowledge Base, users can select the "New Chat" option at the top right to clear previous chats, providing a fresh start for more organized and focused conversations. Learn more.


PDF Document Comparison: The new file comparison feature in the PDF File Handler add-on lets users easily compare files with previous versions or other documents, highlighting differences to help track changes, ensure accuracy, and maintain consistency. Learn more.  

WebUI – Saved URLs Widget: The Saved URLs widget on the Project Dashboard displays all accessible link files in the project folder and its subfolders. Users can also easily create and add new URLs to the project folder, streamlining link management. Learn more.

Share Links through the Desktop App: The new share link interface is integrated within the Desktop App, providing a streamlined, intuitive window with all customizable options. This design enhances efficiency and performance with faster load times and a more responsive experience. Learn more.  

Improved Link Sharing Experience and Email Auto Suggestions (Limited Availability): Egnyte’s updated link sharing interface makes it easy to choose access types, set properties, and share links via email or copy and paste. Clear descriptions and tooltips simplify the process. Learn more.  


Content Classification Policy Recommendations: Egnyte now recommends Content Classification policies based on scanned data, suggesting both built-in policies and specific patterns, enhancing data security and compliance for each content source. Learn more.

Support For Box as a Cloud Content Source: Egnyte now supports Box as a cloud content source, enhancing your ability to manage and secure content across platforms. Learn more.

Folder Access Request (Limited Availability): The folder access request feature lets users request access directly within the app, streamlining permission processes. Learn more.

Other Enhancements and Releases

Egnyte To Egnyte Connector Usability Improvements: The Egnyte to Egnyte Connector dashboard now offers "View details" and "View folder(s)" options, giving users enhanced visibility to manage and access connection details with ease. Learn more.  

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