Egnyters Making an Impact, Featuring Brandon Patterson
Brandon Patterson is one of our first Egnyters who can say they published a book. Along with his many wins in sales, his book, The Client, is also a success.
We had the opportunity to sit down and have a candid conversation with Brandon and ask him a few questions about his new book and his love for Egnyte.
What inspired you to write your book The Client?
My mom took me to the library frequently, and reading was essential to my life. I had an entire bookshelf full of books. Unfortunately, I started to lose my love for reading in high school and college (I was not passionate about the books required for school). Finally, in my senior year, I took an AP class, which helped me rekindle my love for books. The book they had us read was none other than Huckleberry Finn.
After that, I graduated college and started coaching soccer as an assistant. I noticed kids were on their phones all the time. Their texts lacked depth and exhibited poor grammar. Upon speaking with them, I noted that they read less and had less writing practice. Discovering this was pivotal for my own writing journey- as I decided to write something for teenagers to boost their love for reading.
Why is your book titled The Client?
The road to that answer can only be found through reading the first chapter.
What is the most challenging part of writing a book?
The dedication to constantly do it. You will never accomplish your goal if you don’t set aside a certain amount of time daily. That characteristic spans into anything you want to find success in.
What part of your book would support an employee in making an impact at Egnyte?
People will discover their love of reading. My goal with this book was to create a fun and engaging novel that would make it easy to get into the habit of reading. Once that habit has been established, you can expand into self-help books or career-inspiring novels. If you want to better yourself but need help to start the habit of reading, this book will get you in the rhythm and flow.
Was it hard to balance your career at Egnyte while writing your book?
No, but that was before I had children. I’ve substituted wasteless Netflix time to find the time to write a book.
What is your favorite book?
1776 by David McCullough - I love learning about history.
Who is your favorite writer(s)?
Harlon Coben and James Patterson.
What do you love about working at Egnyte?
I love the leadership team and how they care about all employees. They are people I want to mirror myself after in many ways. They have my back and want me to succeed. I also love our product. Prospects go into a trial without me having to worry about it working correctly. This product can solve so many headaches for businesses.
You can purchase The Client on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3Wk2SJn.